Dashboard Table Explinations

Stock Summary Table

Field definitions for the Stock Summary table

Field Definition
Symbol Listed trading symbol
CstBasis Calculated value. Sum of BuyPrice x BuyFX x Qty of stock/share purchase
MktVal Calculated Value. Sum of BuyPrice x LtsFX x Qty of stock/share purchase
Rtn Calculated Value. Sum of (MktVal-CstBasis)/CstBasis x 100
PrctPtfl Calculated Value. MktVal/sum(Mktval) x 100 to determine the percentage of the Market value of the stock in relation to the full value of the portfolio.

Performance Detail Table

Field definitions for the Performance Detail table

Field Definition
BuyDate Date of stock/share purchase
Symbol listed trading symbol
Dscpt. Company, Stock, Share name
Qty Number of shared purchased on BuyDate
Crncy Currency of stock purchase in either Canadian or US dollars
BuyPrice Amount paid per stock purchased on BuyDate
AdjCls Auto populated. Adjusted Closed stock price for the previous day.
CstBss Calculated value. Sum of BuyPrice x BuyFX x Qty of stock/share purchase
BuyFX Auto Populated. When Crncy is recorded as USD, the USD to CAD exchange rate at the date of purchase
LtsFX Auto Populated. When Crncy is recorded as USD, the USD to CAD exchange rate for the day of report generation
MktVal Calculated Value. Sum of BuyPrice x LtsFX x Qty of stock/share purchase
%Rtn Calculated Value. Sum of (MktVal-CstBss)/CstBss x 100